Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brian Working at Enegren

Brian works with Joe, Chris and Matt at Enegren Brewing Company. This is the same system that Bravery will be brewing with.

Bravery's Brewmaster Brews Beer at Enegren

Brian Avery spends the day helping out at Enegren Brewing in Moorpark. Brian had the privilege of wearing the Enegren brewniform. Since Enegren has the same system that Bravery will have, we mutually decided to consider ourselves as sister breweries.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tasting Room

The public tasting room area will be quite a bit nicer than in this picture.

Work begins on the new Ladies Room

We'll be known for the nicest restrooms in the micro-brewing world.  Well, that is after being known for our beer.

Future Brewing Area

Our future brewing area. This is where the "good stuff" will be created.

Construction Begins

The construction workers are busy at work transforming a 5,000 square foot shell into Bravery Brewing Company